The mission statement of Wet Feet Ministries is as follows:

To glorify God and make disciples by investing in families and leading them to lives of service.

The goals of Wet Feet Ministries are as follows:

"When the Israelites were on the verge of entering the Promised Land, God commanded the priests to step into the river.  It's one of the most counterintuitive commands in Scripture: 'When you reach the banks of the Jordan River, take a few steps into the river.'

I don't know about you, but I don't particularly like getting my feet wet. I'd much rather God part the river, and then I'll step into the miracle.  That way I don' t get my feet wet, but if we aren't willing to get our feet wet, we'll never walk through parted rivers on dry ground.

At flood tide, the Jordan River was approximately two hundred feet wide.  That was all that separated the Israelites from their four-hundred-year-old promise.  Their dream was practically a stone's throw away.  But, if the priests hadn't stepped into the river, they may well have spent the rest of their lives on the eastern banks of the Jordan River. 

And that's where many of us spend our lives.  We're so close to the dream, so close to the promise, so close to the miracle.  But we're waiting for God to part the river, while God is waiting for us to get our feet wet.

We'll never see God part the Jordan River if our feet are firmly planted on dry ground.  But if we step into the river, God will part it."

Batterson, Mark. Draw the Circle: the 40 day prayer challenge

Wet Feet Ministries, Inc is served by The Smith family--Mitchell, Jennifer, Mary Thomas, Myles, Neal & Porter.  They call Georgia their home. 

Wet Feet Ministries is governed by the following additional board of directors and officers--Burt and Mikki Guest and Casey and Jami Shivers.